Secret Walks & Staircases in Santa Cruz

Secret Walks & Staircases in Santa Cruz
28 Walks for Fun and Fitness

by Debbie Bulger and Richard Stover

Travel guide to Santa Cruz, CA for walkers. Planning to walk for exercise and fitness but getting tired of the same old routes? Ever wonder where that unsigned trail leads to in the park?
Secret Walks & Staircases in Santa Cruz has the answers.

The 44 detailed maps and clear step-by-step route descriptions are easy to follow. The narratives point out places of historic interest one passes by such as a public school that once portrayed the Supreme Court in a silent movie and the remains of the 1898 wave motor in the surf off West Cliff Drive.
The book could easily be mistaken for a natural history compendium with details and photographs of birds, plants, and animals one might see along the routes.

A bonus feature is the authors’ explanation of the safety value of pedestrian structures such as safety crossing beacons (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons) and median islands.

Secret Walks & Staircases in Santa Cruz is a guidebook to fascinating walks in Santa Cruz, California ranging from one mile to more than six miles in length. The vibrant route descriptions reveal the location of many unmarked stairways and hidden passageways in this California Central Coast town. The featured walks lead to scenic vistas, historic structures, and natural areas.

More than 130 photographs include over 75 way-finding pictures and numerous photos of plants and animals likely to be seen by the walker. All walks are rated by distance and elevation gain.

Praise from readers and early reviewers

—Kevin Karplus

“Thank you for this treasure trove of local information! Knowing most of these routes by walking and cycling since living here ( 1986) gave me more familiarity. The historical aspects alone are worth knowing to enrich the location itself.”
—Karen Poret

“I have lived in Santa Cruz since 1974 and have found new places to explore, how wonderful! I have already shared one of the walks with two friends and hope to be able to share more of them with my walking group when we can finally walk again.”
—Marilyn Cahn

“I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your book. I purchased the book in mid January and was able to take all 28 walks – in order – by late February so it was a great thing to do during the pandemic. Your mix of history and nature was just right and the overall presentation with excellent photographs and maps was very professionally executed!”
—Ron Powers, Santa Cruz, CA

“Just the perfect balance for a walking guide with history, architecture and our wonderful local flora and fauna!!

“Your maps and photos are great, very clear. Your gentle encouragement to walk instead of driving is perfect, your upbeat writing style really comes through. A lovely gift to our community reminding us to appreciate our surroundings!”
—Nick and Shelley Graven, owners of Down Works

“Thank you for this treasure trove of local information! Knowing most of these routes by walking and cycling since living here ( 1986) gave me more familiarity. The historical aspects alone are worth knowing to enrich the location itself.”
—Karen Poret

“A must read for those new to Santa Cruz. A great guide for those who have lived here for years.”
—Katherine Beiers, former Mayor of Santa Cruz

“As a car-free resident of Santa Cruz for 45 years, I nevertheless encountered a couple of surprise walkways and was reacquainted with several other forgotten gems as I followed the delightful routes in this book. And being very well written, formatted and illustrated, it will entice even first-timers to our area to discover and enjoy the many diverse and inspiring jaunts presented.”
—Rick Hyman, Environmental planner, bicycle advocate

“I was thrilled to read this book of walks to find that I at once felt more deeply connected to the Santa Cruz I know so well and also excited to learn about the hidden gems of history, nature and secret paths that feel like new adventures awaiting me.”
—Theresia Rogerson, Public health professional

“Even having grown up in town, and as an avid runner, walker, and cyclist, I learned of so many secret passageways. I also loved the history.”
—Claire Gallogly, Transportation planner

“If you live within the City of Santa Cruz, you will have seen Debbie and Richard out walking, whether you know it or not. They walk everywhere. They know all the pathways and all the stairs. In this marvelous book they describe them, complete with all the details.
“Some of them are not secret. The path along West Cliff Drive which attracts more visitors than any other recreational area within the City is surely well known, even by those from elsewhere in the U.S. and Europe.
“So read this book and try walking on their routes. Feelings of irritation and anger will disappear. You will get good exercise, and you will learn about where you are. Get a good pedometer, and you may be surprised at what you can achieve.”
—Peter Scott, Transportation activist

“. . . a super book for visitors to seek and find the many, many nearly-hidden walkable treasures we have at our doorsteps. Its title is Secret Walks and Staircases in Santa Cruz.”
—Bruce Bratton, columnist and Bay Area personality

“. . . anecdotes are included about historical and natural features along the walks that give an excuse for pause to appreciate all that the area has to offer.”
Santa Cruz Sentinel, December 7, 2020

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Secret Walks and Staircases in Santa Cruz  $25.99 + shipping

In the Thrill of the Night  $14.95 + shipping


Secret Walks & Staircases in Santa Cruz
Secret Walks & Staircases in Santa Cruz by Debbie Bulger and Richard Stover